Monday, March 9, 2015

Famous Last Words Week 8

This past week has been quite crazy as I have been recovering from being stranded last weekend! With all the snow days and missed classes, I’m sure everyone has had quite a crazy week also. I can’t believe that D-Bo cancelled so much class! Thanks again pres!! With spring break just around the corner, I decided to take full advantage of the snow and went sledding with a bunch of my friends over at Griffin Park. We had so much fun! I think we went all out because we knew this would be the last snow storm we would get before the weather begins to stay consistently warm. We had a massive snow ball fight also. I felt like a kid on christmas morning.

Anyways, one of the things that everyone has been ranting about this week is the video of SAE on campus. In light of recent events, it is important that we as a society realize that racism is still alive. I feel bad for the men who are forced to evacuate their home in the middle of their mid-terms. But, it is really great that president Boren sends a message that racism WILL NOT under any circumstances be tolerated on his campus. One thing that has bothered me throughout this whole issue is the fact that students are posting statuses on social media saying that they are “ashamed of their alma mater.” For starters, one stupid fraternity does not depict this university as a whole. I’m confused how people can say that they’re ashamed of their school just because of a handful of people. Obviously this is heartbreaking to our university, but I feel that our President has made it clear his stance on the matter which should make all of us as students at his university proud. Anyways, hopefully everyone’s voices will be heard. All I have to say is thank goodness next week is spring break!

Personal photo taken March 2015.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there!
    That is so cool you went sledding! I definitely should have taken more advantage of the snow, but I hate the cold so much it is difficult to motivate myself to get out there.
    I think it is good that the events at SAE got all of us talking about racism again in a productive manner. However, I think the reason so many people are ashamed of OU is because it took an event of this magnitude to get anything done. OU Unheard has been trying to change things, but the racist attitudes of this university extend well beyond SAE, though not to the extent of those particular members. As someone in a bi-racial relationship, I’ve seen the racist attitudes firsthand. Boren’s work is far from done.
