Thursday, March 5, 2015

Commenting Review Week

Everyone in this course is coming from different backgrounds and majors. Some of us have been in college for 5 years straight while others are just going through the second year or so. No matter what, everyone is at different stages of their academic careers and so we all have different styles and levels of writing. For example, I am not a very great writer and I know that. So having other students comment on my blogs really helps get a different perspective. I am always up for learning and I think we can all learn from each other in this course.  Having other students comment on my blog helps me make sure I’m on the right track and it helps me fix problems in my writing that I would not have previously noticed.

When writing a short comment, I usually focus on the author’s note and why they chose to write that way. When leaving a long comment, I start with the title and author’s note. From there I look at how they write, and try to relate it to what they are trying to get at. I think a title can really catch readers attention so if it is super original and catchy, then I always make a comment about it. The most important part of receiving and giving comments is to be critical but yet give positive reinforcement. It is really important on the receiving end to not take anything personally. After all, at least we don’t have to see these people face to face!
Photo found online


  1. Hey Courtney!

    I am commenting on this post randomly because I believe i've already commented on your introduction, and this was the first post that popped up in your feed! I think very similarly to you when it comes to commenting style and what I look at. I also agree with you on how important it is to give positive feedback. I have always found that when I evaluate anyone, I give 90% positive feedback and 10% correction. I think it is a good ratio, mainly because I hate to cut anyone down, or discourage them! Keep up the good work!

  2. Hi Courtney!
    I am also not a very good writer, so getting perspective from others is definitely helpful! I agree with you that it helps to get a different perspective to help with your writing and I think that it is definitely helpful to get feedback from all these people with different backgrounds in our class. I never thought to look at the author's note for a short comment. I think I am going to start doing that in the future!
